The following recommendations have been vetted by bat conservationist Merlin Tuttle and will maximize your chances for early BatBnB occupancy. The most important factor to consider is location. Do your best to stick to the following and you should hopefully see bats in the next few seasons!

1) Location: A location on a post or the side of a house, barn, or shed is best. In particularly cool climates, always opt for a building.

2) Sun: Even in hot climates your BatBnB should receive 6+ hours of direct sunlight daily, and in cooler climates, more sunlight is better. East-facing for morning sun is great if that option is available.

3) Height: Place the BatBnB at least 10-12 feet off the ground making sure the bottom of your BatBnB has 10-12 feet clear. When possible, 15-20 feet is better. For the best chance of success, ensure there are no balcony or roofs blocking the area beneath.

4) Tree Placement: BatBnBs located at least 20 feet away from trees will be most successful. Bat houses mounted on trees are least successful because they often offer limited sun exposure and allow predators (mostly owls) to perch on nearby branches. If a tree is your only option, choose a sunny spot that is far from potential predator perches.


1) Now that you’ve found the perfect location for mounting, remove your BatBnB from the box & packaging. Carefully position the ladder so that it is stable, and grab a friend to hold it steady.

2) Climb the ladder with a screwdriver or drill, a level, four screws & the mounting piece.

3) Position the mounting piece in the desired location & fully insert one of the screws. The mounting piece should be turned as displayed in the image for the cleats to grip. Level the mounting piece and screw in the remaining screws.

4) Dismount the ladder, re-adjust the ladder position if necessary, & then climb the ladder again with your BatBnB unit. Slide the cleats on the back of the unit onto the mounting piece.

5) Once your BatBnB unit is level, climb the ladder with a screwdriver and one screw. Adjust the bottom metal bracket so that it points straight down and secure it with a screw.

6) Great work! Your BatBnB is now in operation. Inspire others to help save the bats by tagging photos of your new BatBnB on social media using #batbnb.


Hanging a BatBnB 15+ feet up can be scary! Seriously, we want you to be careful. If you’re not comfortable climbing a ladder while carrying the heavy BatBnB, find a friend to assist you or hire a local contractor to help. Take any additional cautionary steps to keep yourself safe, and always treat the animals with respect. When cleaning bat droppings (or any type of animal droppings) one should take precautions to avoid inhaling dust, or even better, avoid interacting with droppings entirely.

In no event shall Point Line Plane LLC be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special consequential damages, to property or life, whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of Point Line Plane LLC products or from hanging, servicing, or altering Point Line Plane products.

Furthermore Point Line Plane LLC is not liable for any form of harm that may occur due to interactions with wildlife.

This product must be inspected for use to ensure it has not been damaged in shipment. If damaged in shipping, do not use and immediately contact Point Line Plane’s support channel to process a replacement.